Thursday, 22 November 2012
Cameron warns priests of turbulence after church votes no to female bishops | World news | The Guardian
Al Gore On Climate Policy, Renewable Energy, Natural Gas, & More (100% Agree) - CleanTechnica
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Happy Birthday Bob!
Happy Birthday Bob!
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Microwaves are very useful, but the telecom industry has not learned how to self regulate! In Canada, Ottawa and Bell are glued at the hip to crap our tadpoles, our sperm and our DNA! Maybe they will knowingly condemn people to a cancerous or hideous death through an 3g or 4g RF breaching of the blood brain barrier. Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered at .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world. Read Devra Davis book entitled 'Disconnect'. It may save your life in the health mayhem to come. Question what Motorola technology and Apple innovations in smaller RF creating devices are doing or have done to threaten or risk your health. Don't be a victim to what I call the 'acid reflux of the brain' as bad stuff from 3G, 4G and WIFI MAX fluxes your blood cell membranes and succeeds in allowing a breach of the protective blood brain barrier. Cell membranes are relaxed by RF pollution. It may lead to diseases in children such as leukaemia, but that is not the whole story. Like peppermint to your oesophagus sphincter, broad spectrum RF energy can relax your microcells into many cancer disease producing situations along with a broad spectrum of brain related diseases. Not music to your ears, but disharmony to the functioning of the electromagnetic physics of your cells, sperm, eggs and DNA. Continue your education by reading Devra Davis's book Disconnect. It might just help to save your life or those of children, family, and friends that you support. Those in science should reread the research work of Frey a brilliant scientist who made startling discoveries of RF and EMF dangers in the 1970s, but whose efforts were suppressed by the US military and the telecom industry that was convinced it could ride a long wave of profit taking before the public became aware of severe life threatening downsides, lag effects of disease such as arises from asbestos disease and smoking. The WHO was hampered by the industry from revealing what science had discovered, but now the black cat is out of the bag. Help get everything onto the table for open discussion and discovery.

Thursday, 30 August 2012
Radiation levels at the beach in Grand Bend
Subject: Re: Radiation levels at the beach in Grand Bend
Hi Melissa!Thank you for your work despite the pain and risk to your health! I just received the B. Blake Levitt proceedings of the "Cell Towers Forum" State of the Science / State of the Law ... Cell Towers -- "Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard?"----->other than the paultry efforts mentioned above, there is virtually no scientific enquiry in the US into the safety of chronic, low level RF exposures aside from what other countries contribute"Canada presently does not have serious CNRC studies on the subject matter apart from safety in the workplace?If the study is done by industry, it is likely to be biased, which is why any studies done hide their sponsorship knowing full well the designs of the studies are a farce intended to obfuscate serious work in other countries!This is like thalidomide in its early days of use in the US. As the deformities in babies grew in numbers, the therapeutic industry finally had to take note, but no action occured before all the DNA deformities!"Damn their eyes?" to quote an old sea phrase!ArthurJoin the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world."Kincardine beach .... Safer?"
On 30 Aug 2012, at 12:15 PM, Melissa wrote:Hi there,I would like to share with you the videos I took at the main beach in Grand Bend today. Both are on you-tube. I plan on adding more videos from the area so people can see what the radiation levels are from the existing towers, and then hopefully people will choose to support a moratorium on further towers in the area including stopping the one in the Southcott residential area behind the club house. Cell coverage is good in Grand Bend, so do we need more radiation so we can watch live TV on our phone? Doesn't everyone here have a TV in their home already? I was also informed the bandwidth runs out on the long weekends because the server needs to be replaced, not because there aren't enough towers. There are already 3 Bell towers alone in Grand Bend, plus one Rogers tower.If you have any other places you think would be useful to measure please let me know and I will try and get out to do it when I can or have someone else do it. I am electro-sensitive myself and certainly paying for being on the beach at all yesterday making these videos, but it is worth it if it protects our neighbourhood. That's why I might send someone else out to do the filming in the future.Thanks and have a good week, Melissa ChalmersYou can also go to you tube and type in LakeshoreCoalition to find the channel with the videos. There will be more, so please refer back to it occasionally. PS. Port Franks is holding a musical jamboree this Sunday to support the effort to stop these towers in Lambton Shores and to make Port Franks a White Zone. If you care to join us, the address is 7503 Dune Drive. The event starts at noon and goes until 10 pm. Bring yourself, your family and your acoustic instrument. Musicians from the area are coming along and hopefully ones from Elgin County as well. Hope to see you there!!!
The Strench of Crony Capitalism Across the Street from Where I Live in Grand Bend, Ontario
"Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of dirigisme[1] Crony capitalism is believed to arise when political cronyism spills over into the business world; self-serving friendships and family ties between businessmen and the government influence the economy and society to the extent that it corrupts public-serving economic and political ideals.
The term "crony capitalism" made a significant impact in the public arena as an explanation of the Asian financial crisis.[2]"
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
We need to pressure our Federal Government for Safer Policies Against RF Pollution - There are better ways to treat the health of a nation -say not to RF Pollution
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Ignorance of Broad Spectrum Damage to Health from Broad Spectrum Cellular 4th 5th 6th Generation Broadcasting
It's important to understand that law suits of the proponents of lax broadband broadcasting standards will follow unwise decision taking. It is far better to err on the safer side.
I personally think it is time for the OECD to undertake the international science and technology research necessary to prosecute the communications firms that take reckless disregard for how waves they create may promote an acceleration of aging through a stressing and a wearing down of the human immune system. Beware that what don't see or feel your body may have a sensitivity to and it may not be able to cope.
The tip of the pile is with those hypersensitives who are damaged by cellular information flows. We should take notice soon before the costs in human lives and misery show greater significance.Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.

Friday, 22 June 2012
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Friday, 15 June 2012
With Science, New Portrait of the Cave Artist -

Thursday, 14 June 2012
How to Spot Income Inequality from Space: Look for the Trees : TreeHugger
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Electric Cars and the VOLT .... Guess who broke her wrist this morning!
> > Hi Arthur,
> > Our condolences to Anne! Must have been a shock.
> > I'm very pleased with the Volt's performance - can drive to work and back on battery power and still have 22 km left over. So no gasoline use for work driving. Plug it in in the evening and it's fully charged by morning. Will have to go on a longer drive to use the gasoline engine. When you coast or brake, the car recharges the battery - so when I drive to work it's mostly down hill and even though it's 22 km, I only use up 5 km on the battery charge. However, coming back home is uphill and on the expressway, so use up more than the actual distance. Very interesting to watch energy use and adjust driving - actually it's safer driving - slower acceleration from stops and lots of coasting and slow braking in anticipation of stopping.
> > Hope Anne feels better soon,
> > Bob
> ------------------- > Subject: Guess who broke her wrist this morning!
> > Anne! Her first broken bone this morning! She was pulling a rubbish bin and fell into the cow grate! Oops!!
> > She has a temporary cast and attends a clinic tomorrow. Not too bad but painful and will need a cast for six weeks or so because of impacting.
> > Will accept autographs in England and on return to Canada in July!
> > Love Arthur
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Friday, 1 June 2012
Charles Taylor’s heavy sentence a stark warning to world leaders - The Globe and Mail
Monday, 28 May 2012
Another day in Paris in the World of the Impressionists
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Hotel Haus Sonneck, Schluchsee, Germany ... Black forest region ....
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Elizabeth May: A devastating first year of Conservative majority rule in Canada | Vancouver, Canada |
BBC News - France weather: Violent rainstorm wreaks havoc
Friday, 20 April 2012
All About Picture Framing : How to Fit Your Canvas Into a Picture Frame
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Next Wuh Lax Book
Amazing that I can read an email from you sitting for a cup of tea in the Royal Albert Museum. Thank you for your reply and question. The book I am working on is the second in the Wuh Lax series and explores the relationship between what makes up the here and now, other points in time and space, and what I call 'elsewhere'.
The title will probably be "Still Light, Wuh Lax and the Invisible Bull Frogs." It will contain loads of physics, history, and mystery, but the story line is about Caracatus, Corellus, Elias, Wuh, Wimteldum, Scapula and a horrible secret of some Roman soldiers who are being killed off one by one.
The young Vespasian and the older Corellus work together to determine why the West Country is such a dangerous place and discovery wicked plots by Augustus and Scapula. But, that is not all. Bullfrogs operate to frustrate the best plans of Wimteldum, Wim, revealed as a clandestine operative of the spiral world, which operates under a different mathematics and physics. Everything leads to misfortune as betrayal leads to the capture and transport to Tyre of Caracatus brother Togodomus, who is mistaken for the successor to the English throne, such as it is? Meanwhile Wuh's sister and mother are missing, kidnapped by slave traders, and sold off to Libyan centurians, formerly under the command of Vespasian.
My story explains the missing Vespasian years as he goes into hiding and becomes a breeder of mules, the terrible secret of why Roman soldiers in Somerset conspire against the Julian family, and intrigue in Rome to kill off Luke. In any event, the story line mixes physics, history, and struggle with frustrated apparitions who are trying to revise the earthly time line because it is following the wrong mathematics implanted by Ba Aer (Error). Ba Ed (Education) instructs Wuh on the physics and meaning of light, while Ba Glas (Reflection) established a connection between waves and people.
My story begins by dismissing the idea that not all human beings are muggles in the JK Rowland sense, that witches and wizards exist in the Harry Potter sense, but that waves and apparitions from the "elsewhere" really do operate continuously in our universe and are the invisible bullfrogs in our room!
You asked the question and I have given you an answer! I hope to have it all written up by July 4th.
Best Arthur