Thursday, 30 August 2012

Radiation levels at the beach in Grand Bend


Re: Radiation levels at the beach in Grand Bend

Hi Melissa!

Thank you for your work despite the pain and risk to your health!  I just received the B. Blake Levitt proceedings of the "Cell Towers Forum" State of the Science / State of the Law ... Cell Towers -- "Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard?"

----->other than the paultry efforts mentioned above, there is virtually no scientific enquiry in the US into the safety of chronic, low level RF exposures aside from what other countries contribute"

Canada presently does not have serious CNRC studies on the subject matter apart from safety in the workplace?

If the study is done by industry, it is likely to be biased, which is why any studies done hide their sponsorship knowing full well the designs of the studies are a farce intended to obfuscate serious work in other countries!

This is like thalidomide in its early days of use in the US. As the deformities in babies grew in numbers, the therapeutic industry finally had to take note, but no action occured before all the DNA deformities! 

"Damn their eyes?" to quote an old sea phrase!


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"Kincardine beach .... Safer?"

On 30 Aug 2012, at 12:15 PM, Melissa wrote:

Hi there,

I would like to share with you the videos I took at the main beach in Grand Bend today.  Both are on you-tube.  I plan on adding more videos from the area so people can see what the radiation levels are from the existing towers, and then hopefully people will choose to support a moratorium on further towers in the area including stopping the one in the Southcott residential area behind the club house. 

Cell coverage is good in Grand Bend, so do we need more radiation so we can watch live TV on our phone?  Doesn't everyone here have a TV in their home already?  I was also informed the bandwidth runs out on the long weekends because the server needs to be replaced, not because there aren't enough towers.  There are already 3 Bell towers alone in Grand Bend, plus one Rogers tower. 

If you have any other places you think would be useful to measure please let me know and I will try and get out to do it when I can or have someone else do it.  I am electro-sensitive myself and certainly paying for being on the beach at all yesterday making these videos, but it is worth it if it protects our neighbourhood.  That's why I might send someone else out to do the filming in the future. 

Thanks and have a good week, Melissa Chalmers

You can also go to you tube and type in LakeshoreCoalition to find the channel with the videos.  There will be more, so please refer back to it occasionally.

PS.  Port Franks is holding a musical jamboree this Sunday to support the effort to stop these towers in Lambton Shores and to make Port Franks a White Zone.  If you care to join us, the address is 7503 Dune Drive.  The event starts at noon and goes until 10 pm.  Bring yourself, your family and your acoustic instrument.  Musicians from the area are coming along and hopefully ones from Elgin County as well.  Hope to see you there!!!


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