Tuesday, 31 July 2012

We need to pressure our Federal Government for Safer Policies Against RF Pollution - There are better ways to treat the health of a nation -say not to RF Pollution

Dear SPPA Board and Powerful Mindful People in Telecommunications Industrial and Environmental Efforts,

Please help, by thinking about the RF pollution and hazards problem at a more serious level and by being better informed about proven RF pollution hazards and harm.

Your children require you to act prudently to reduce RF pollution throughout Canada, especially as our urban residential areas are concentrations of risk from excessive RF pollution.

You really can make a difference for the youth of Canada!

Please read the link below and pause to weigh the options very carefully. What BELL and you are proposingin SouthcottbPones Park and what Canada is allowing is a unnecessary risk to the health of our communities across Canada and a collection of RF pollution allowance policies that many local governments in their wisdom across Canada in rural and urban areas do not support! We have seen how careless, sleepwalking, unsafe policies followed in Japan have almost permanently damaged their country, as regards the potential for nuclear radiation damage. RF pollution is damaging people, flora and fauna across Canada. People have a right to control RF pollution because it is a proven killer.


Delay the implementation of a RF pollution base in Southcott Pines Park. There are many safe alternatives to the future RF pollution capabilities of the proposed base tower if we would but insist on them. Significantly reduce the allowable amounts of RF pollution, while maintaining good RF service and while lowering the risks of RF polution damage. Be better informed as to the alternatives. Don't follow through on bad contracts or ones for which the public was not well informed about substantial risks to health and natural life. RF pollution is a killer, of that there is no reasonable doubt. Reduce the RF pollution levels and save lives and natural life. Help your neighbourhood and possible save yourself from damaging RF pollution. Do not expose others to what is internationally seen as reckless and unsound standards of RF pollution behaviour.

The link belows shows very clearly what the issues are as regards where Canada stands on RF pollution. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.2101.pdf

Protect your neighbourhood's health as regards high and unacceptable levels of RF Pollution from new RF base towers in Grand Bend.

Get the Canadian Government to enact legislation so as reduce RF pollution levels to safe and risk free minimal pollution ranges, such as found in Austria and Germany!

Thank you,

Arthur Lake

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