Friday, 15 June 2012

With Science, New Portrait of the Cave Artist -

About 40,000 years ago, people, whether neanderthals, part neanderthals or wholly homo sapiens, were engaged in representational artistic expression. We know because we can study their work on the walls of caves. What we don't see is what they made from wood and how they coloured wooden objects before they engaged in using stone and cave walls. We really do have to make guesses and disprove ourselves!


Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Electric Cars and the VOLT .... Guess who broke her wrist this morning!

So you think you know cars? Read this email from my brother:
> > Hi Arthur,
> > Our condolences to Anne! Must have been a shock.
> > I'm very pleased with the Volt's performance - can drive to work and back on battery power and still have 22 km left over. So no gasoline use for work driving. Plug it in in the evening and it's fully charged by morning. Will have to go on a longer drive to use the gasoline engine. When you coast or brake, the car recharges the battery - so when I drive to work it's mostly down hill and even though it's 22 km, I only use up 5 km on the battery charge. However, coming back home is uphill and on the expressway, so use up more than the actual distance. Very interesting to watch energy use and adjust driving - actually it's safer driving - slower acceleration from stops and lots of coasting and slow braking in anticipation of stopping.
> > Hope Anne feels better soon,
> > Bob
> -------------------

> Subject: Guess who broke her wrist this morning!
> > Anne! Her first broken bone this morning! She was pulling a rubbish bin and fell into the cow grate! Oops!!
> > She has a temporary cast and attends a clinic tomorrow. Not too bad but painful and will need a cast for six weeks or so because of impacting.
> > Will accept autographs in England and on return to Canada in July!
> > Love Arthur

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Time for that crepe

Yes! But, it is in the countryside north of Amsterdam?


Wooh, RT

Friday, 1 June 2012

Charles Taylor’s heavy sentence a stark warning to world leaders - The Globe and Mail

As a leader of a government one has responsibilities to citizens and the community at large. What do we say now about corporate leaders of companies that produce arms that are used in atrocities? It is high time we addressed the money and arms of governments called corporations, the leaders of which need also to be held to high moral standards and punished for crimes against nature and humanity. I think we need laws to protect all natural life and punish those leaders of corporations who commit outlandish negative acts! Accountability! Yes!